Sunday, November 4, 2012

Martha Stewart Style Halloween Cupcakes

First of all I would like to say that I know it is technically November and I am posting a Halloween-themed dessert. Due to Hurricane Sandy our Halloween Farm Party got pushed back a week. The hurricane wasn't too awful in this area, we did have three or four leaks in the house, and lost power for 2.5 days, but I was thankful to still have the house mostly intact and everyone safe and sound!

So have you ever seen those annoyingly perfect Martha Stewart-style cupcakes? You know , the ones that are all individually decorated with perfect embellishments that are probably made just for her show and don't exist in the real world? I have always wanted to make those types of cupcakes! And it just so happens that I stumbled across some fancy Halloween sprinkles at William and Sonoma on sale when I was out for my birthday a couple weekends ago! It was time to get down to business!

I choose to bake mini cupcakes instead of regular ones. Our farm party was for the kids and since they are all on the younger side right now - mini is better. I mixed up a batch of yellow cake mix which ended up making about 6 dozen cupcakes. Then I tinted up some buttercream frosting and got to decorating!

I choose purple frosting since most of the sprinkles were white, orange, green and black. It contrasted nicely. I used a large swirl flower tip to get a nice base for the decorations. The Halloween sprinkle kit had bones, bats, large pearls, regular sprinkles, large dots, bat and pumpkin sprinkles - it was awesome! And even after 6 dozen cupcakes I still have some left over for future Halloweens!

They turned out so cute! The kids and parents enjoyed them and I even had enough leftovers to take a tray of them to work the next day. Work people are always appreciative of left-over baked goodies. One thing I do not lack is taste-testers for all my creations!

I wish I had gotten some better pictures of them on the cake stands. I didn't even get a chance to snap a photo of the fancy cake stand I borrowed from my Mom for the party! Oh well, I am sure she will let me borrow it again for another creation! Another baking wish to cross off my baking bucket list!

And now comes my favorite time of the year! Holiday Baking!!! Stay tuned for more deliciousness!

(PS - I'm staying strong on the diet! Down six pounds and hoping to get through these next few months dropping some more! I have gotten extremely picky with my deserts since I can only have one a week. Forget Snickers bars and Oreos - I need cheesecakes and gourmet cupcakes if I'm going to waste calories!)

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